Legal Number
(CAS RN) : 63-42-3
Formula: C12H22O11
Weight: 342.30
Appearance of physical and chemical properities:
Take this product than the curl, 2 hours after 80 ℃ drying, precision said, adding water to dissolve and quantitative dilution made each 1 ml contained 0.10 g of this product and ammonia in the test solution 0.02 ml solution, determination (appendix Ⅵ E) in accordance with the law, than the curl is + 52.0 ° to + 52.6 °.
mainly used as a food pigment powder adsorption dispersant, reduce the pigment concentration, easy to use and reduce discoloration during storage. Advantage of the characteristics of easy compression forming and low water imbibition, a tablet excipients, etc.
Use lactose caramelization low temperature (163 ℃. The hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose 154.5 ℃, lactose is only 129.5 ℃), the characteristics of for some special baked goods, can be obtained under low baking temperature deep yellow to caramel color.